function m = mod(n,N)
%computes m = mod(n mod N) %___________________ %m = mod(n,N) m = rem(n,N); m = m+N; m = rem(m,N);function y = cirshiftt(x,m,N)
%circular shift of m samples wrt size N in sequnce x: %----------------------------------------------------- %[y] = cirshiftt(x,m,N) %y = output sequence containing the circular shift %;x = input sequence of length <= N % m = simple shift % N = size of circular buffer % method: y(n)=x((n-m) mod N) % check for length of x if length (x)> N error('N must be >= the length of X') end x = [x ,zeros(1,N - length(x))]; n = [0:1:N-1]; n = mod(n-m,N); y = x(n+1);n = 0:10 ;
x = 10*(0.8).^n; y = cirshiftt(x,6,15); n = 0: 14; x = [x,zeros(1,4)]; subplot(2,1,1); stem(n,x); title('oringnal signal'); subplot(2,1,2); stem(n,y); title('x((n-m) mod 15)');